
This website is operated by:

Vonyarcvashegy Small Town Municipality
H-8314 Vonyarcvashegy, Kossuth Lajos u. 42.
Phone: +36 83 348 033
VAT Number: 15432436-2-20

Senior Publisher:
Horváth, Tamás Mr
+36 30/380-6690

The website was created by

Our web team, the 2Pixels & Bábelhal got 34 national professional awards in the past 12 years.
babelhal-2pixels awards

Web design (image and graphic design)

Web development (programming and technical operation)

Hosting provider

  • Bábelhal Webstudio Kft.
  • 8360 Keszthely, Honvéd street 17/2
  • Telephone: +36 83 777 603
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