5 minutes entertainment – play – laughter – all in one inside safe place!
- Age: 2-8 years
- Maximum weight: 40 kg/person
- Maximum height: 120 cm
- Maximum number: 6-10 person depending on age
- Wearing shoes inside is forbidden, recommended to wear socks
- Slide only for one direction, jumping from it is not allowed and can cause accidents
- Pushing, poking the others is forbidden
- Run to the sidewalls directly, climb it or hang on the net is also forbidden
- The wearing of sharp and edgy objects is not allowed, neither taking them inside
- Food, drink, chewing gum is allowed only outside of the construction
- The boat is usable only with parental control keeping all the rules
Wish you a pleasant time: The Captain of the Adventure boat
Lido Beach – Vonyarcvashegy
Adress: 8314 Vonyarcvashegy, Fürdő str. 1.
útvonaltervezéshez kattintson ide»
Mobile: +36 30/380-6690
Mobile playhouse:
- a trailer-set mobile adventurepark ( size: 6X2,3mX3m)
- skill-developing and craft games perfect to active time-spending: blowed-up inside space for jumping with different figures and blocks + pool full of balls + plastic slide
- Target audience: 2-10 years old children
- •The playing surface suits the instructions of the European Union, Disposed of ÉMI and TÜV examination